Friday, January 28, 2011

My Connection to PLAY!!

“When kids play, they remember. They may not be aware they are learning, but they sure
are aware they are having fun. When you have a good belly laugh with your siblings or
parents or friends, that stays with you. And the great thing is that is comes so naturally…
if we only let it.”  --Rebecca Krook, play facilitator for kids with disabilities 
"A child loves his play, not becasuse it's easy, but because it's hard." Benjamin Spock, American Pediatrician 1903-1998
"Whoever wants to understand much must play much." Gottfried Benn, German physician

In my childhood, art supplies were essentials to play!

 I grew up with Legos (having two brothers) and we came up with so many different creations! An awesome tool for creativity in play!

My parents provided my brothers and I with lots of ways to use our creativity through play. I remember spending time playing alone in my room with my toys and collections as well as with friends and neighbors outside after school. They supported positive friendships as a way of interacting, learning from, and overall playing with peers.

It seems that now,  a lot of time play involves video games in front of a TV, often with little interaction with other people. When I was young, play was considered getting outside, joining an athletic team, or spending time with friends. Much of today's play is very independent and detached from socialization with peers. 

I think it becomes difficult for adults to find the time to play, but it's still important. In adulthood, play really can be considered anything that relieves stress, brightens a day, or makes you happy. It doesn't necessarily mean sitting in the middle of the floor with piles of Legos, but sometimes being able to jog back along memory lane and remember the fun of childhood through the play you once enjoyed makes the stresses of adult life a little less chaotic, and a little more fun!  


  1. Hi Caitlin,

    I'd love the quote about how play comes naturally. I watched a my son and a group of kids playing at Burger Kind the other day. I loved how they initiated themselves what they were going to play and who was going to be the leader! They ended up playing duck duck goose instead of playing in the play area there!

  2. Caitlin,
    I enjoyed reading your post. You post somewhat reminds me of mu childhood except I have two older sisters that are nearly 13-12 years older that I (they're 15 months apart). My parents provided me with such great tools as a child and play was one of the most remarkable tools ever!

  3. Hi Caitlin,

    Your post was very good!!! I also enjoyed playing with legos as a child. Play today is not the same as it was growing up because technology has taken over most toys now.

  4. Great post Caitlin,
    I really like your first Quote . Play is very important in the life of a child and we need to rise up and make sure that play does not go into extinction in schools.We have allowed lots of things to take the place of play during childhood.
