Saturday, June 4, 2011

Australasian Journal of Early Childhood

The website for Early Childhood Australia ( provides many links to early childhood research, including Early Childhood news, Every Child magazine, and Everyday Learning Services. One particular resource of early childhood research, the Australasian Journal of Early Childhood (AJEC), is Australasia's foremost scholarly journal and the world's longest-running major journal within the early childhood field (Early Childhood Australia, 2010).  Some of the recent topics discussed in research articles include early childhood curriculum and the consideration of Aboriginal books in literacy, curriculum guidelines through comparison of New Zealand and England, and children’s transition to school in Sydney, Australia from Bangladeshi parents. It was refreshing to see the variety of research topics being completed in Australia’s early childhood field. One article I came across discussed the impact of children choosing free literature typically promotes positive family and social interactions between story characters and that family members took an active part in the family’s literacy through reading at home.  It was also insightful that there are many topics and areas of early childhood that play a big role in the formation and development of curriculum, such as popular culture, child play, literacy, school readiness, and culture.
Early Childhood Australia. (2010).

1 comment:

  1. It is very enlighten to see how much Australia has to offer to thier early childhood children and make it so effectively.
